Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kiersten's Peace

I have posted on Hot Yoga before but I really do have an obsession.  It is my favorite way to exercise, stretch and detox. 

In the past I had been attending Prana Vinyasa, Hot Flow, about 3-4 times a week. The last 2 weeks I failed to make it at all - I have really been oriented on running and walking my dog this summer along with more weight training. I finally made it yesterday and remembered why I love it.! You sweat for an hour to an hour in half and not just a little trail beading along your hairline. I mean a full pool of sweat dripping around your yoga mat, it's hot and unglamorous - but beautiful. confused? Your body is stretching, you feel the strength of your on body working into postures. You work to your limits, it's never a "yoga competition". You meditate, and focus inward finding beauty, peace and what your own personal "calm" is even when sweat is pouring off your body. It is a chance to listen and become aware of how your body balances, how you breath, how your mind is stimulated. It is a workout for the mind and body. Yoga is every bit emotional as it is physical especially once you begin to believe in the practice. It is so fantastic, not to mention how hoootttt a yoga body is.!!

As a religious studies major with an focus in Hinduism and Buddhism I know that my professor would explain to me why Hot Yoga, is not traditional or good for the balance of your energies. She is not a believer of the western modifications of yoga since they stray from the true purpose of meditation and enter into physical and athletic purpose. Hot Yoga stimulates male energy, "heat" or "Yang". Too much Yang can stimulate illnesses like poor digestion, restlessness, feeling hot and a fast pulse. Yoga's aim is to keep your body in balance and not disturb the forces. All energies in the body must be maintained, and Yoga helps to stimulate and stabilize those energies through your body as it intends to work at your bodies ability beginning from resting at a cool temperature working up with every posture to create it's own heat, and flexibility. A hot room allows your body to stretch further and deeper than normal. As a result Hot Yoga can over stimulate some energies more than others. 

Personally, I believe any yoga is beneficial and when practiced in moderation between Hot and Room Temperature you can experience all the benefits this wonderful activity has to offer. It is also a fantastic way to cross train when training for a marathon and triathlon!

Try it out if you haven't already!!!

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